Parenting Healthy Kids in a Pandemic

Even when the world around us and our kids is unsettled and difficult, as parents we can set a different atmosphere in our homes. Our homes can be a place of peace.

The atmosphere of the home flows from the heart of the dad and/or mom, our children then adopt and respond to that atmosphere. So, if we feel our kids are showing major signs of acting out in some way or showing symptoms of anxiety and depression then first look to yourself and ask if you’re setting that atmosphere in the home.

If you’re are afraid or anxious then you have to go back to the source of peace. The Bible promises peace when we have our minds and attention fixed on God. And Jesus is called the prince of peace!

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

If my attention as a parent is on the news, on social media then I’m going to allow fear to creep in which will harm my home and children.

But, if my attention is on Jesus and his goodness and strength no matter the circumstances then I can have peace and that peace will fill the home and my children’s hearts.

Also, as a note, if you feel calm but your child is anxious then adjust their other inputs, like the shows they’re watching or anxious friends they are getting media from, and their social media could be a window open to fear.


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