Let's do something fun: First, we'll pick a topic, then I'll identify 3 of my favorite verses on that topic, then we'll focus on a few quick ways to apply it. We'll call it, MY TOP 3.I'd love to hear what topics you'd like me to do a MY TOP 3, post on, but for this first one, I'll choose an essential, and hugely impacting topic of

TRUST. It was hard to narrow it down, but here they are!


You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.–Isaiah 26:3

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.–Proverbs 3:5-6

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.–Romans 15:13


Even after reading just these three verses you can see the huge promises and benefits that are associated with trusting God. One of the main results of trust is peace. Peace cannot come from trusting in ourselves, or our own ability, but it floods our lives when we begin trusting in God. If you find your life filled with stress, anxiety, worry, chances are it's because you are putting more trust in yourself than in God.

Here are two quick things that will help us continue to TRUST GOD:

  1. Thoughts:
    In all 3 verses, the focus of your thoughts is at the forefront of the verse. We have to keep our thoughts focused on God, his will and his ways. When I begin to doubt or have fear try to creep into my mind, I remind myself of the faithful character of God. He shows himself faithful in the Bible, and has been in my own life. When I stay focused on the greatness and flawless character of God, and his ability to lead and guide me through any situation, peace and joy begin to increase in my life.

  2. Actions:
    In Proverbs 3, it says we must submit ALL OUR WAYS to his way. This can be a challenge, but to fully receive the joy, peace, and hope that the Bible promises, we must begin to trust him with how we think, and ultimately the actions we take. We can say we trust God, but anytime we do what we want or feel over what God's word says, we forfeit the peace that's only found on God's path. A quick example would be in the area of forgiveness. We often want to hold onto the offenses that others have done towards us, but peace comes when we follow the Bible's command to forgive like we have been forgiven. When you read the Bible, ask, "how do I apply what I just read?"

Praying that you experience greater peace and joy than you've ever known before. That peace isn't going to come because all of the storms go away, the peace will come because you trust in God and his ways. And I love how Isaiah 26 says you'll experience, PERFECT PEACE!NOTE: I'd love to hear your favorite verses on TRUST in the comments below or how you've learned to trust God in your life. Also, let me know here in the comments or on my other social media what topic you'd like our next TOP 3 to be.

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!



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