
“Writers aren't just those who are good with words, but those called to give words to a generation!”

7 Step Book Writing Checklist
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7 Step Book Writing Checklist
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I love writing in all forms; from social media and blogs to articles and fully published books, each are their own challenge and each has their own opportunity to make a lasting impact on people. I was blessed to have my first book, Following Jesus, be a top seller that has been sold and distributed to over 300,000 people in 4 languages and 8+ countries. It was the right message that hit a niche and needed market. I initially self-published it so I’m familiar with the self-publishing process and it was later picked up by a publisher, so I’ve seen that side of publishing as well and I hope to offer some help and support for you on your writing and publishing journey.

For reference, here’s my current Published & Self Published works: (View All)

I still have a long way to go in the writing and publishing world, but I've been getting more requests on my process of writing and publishing, so I wanted to offer some quick support. This article and checklist are aimed at my self-publishing process; the steps are slightly different when trying to get your book published through a mainstream publisher. Enter your email to download the PDF of my checklist, and I also put a few writing tips below.


  • Write to Engage NOT to impress. (Make your goal to impact, change, and transform.)

  • Write in your Natural Voice. (No need to pretend to be more or less than you are.)

  • Write about What You're Passionate about. (Your passion is what people need, let that come through your writing)

  • Write Well. (I took time to develop and study how to write well when I first began. It's worth it.)

  • Write Truth. (Don't be flippant with your voice, put it to good use. Your voice goes further on the back of truth.)


  1. Identify Your Topic

    • What are you passionate about? What is God speaking to you about?

    • What problem do you see needing to be solved in the world around you?

    • What do you have experience in to be able to add value to a conversation?

  2. Clarify Your Audience

    • Who is this book focused on? What’s your target age, gender, occupation, calling?

    • The more focused this is the more effective your book will be.

  3. Create The Book Outline

    • Before you begin trying to write a full chapter, begin by doing a basic chapter outline for the whole book. This can change as you go, but if you begin with this approach then it will help bring better clarity to the flow of the book.

    • I begin with a chapter outline, then add in 1 or 2 bullet points under each chapter to flesh out a little more clarity. Then adjust and shift the chapters and sub-points until I’m excited about the direction and flow of the book.

  4. Begin Writing The Book

    • Now that you have the strong outline, then you begin filling in each of those chapters. You’ll find that the content flows more quickly now that you have the chapter focus and direction.

    • Now that you have the chapters in mind then you’ll be able to pull insight and content from everyday life.

    • Writing tip. Write daily. This was the biggest help to me as a writer, don’t try to wait for a big writing weekend or getaway or try to wait for inspiration. Even if it’s just 30 min a day, you’ll be impressed by how fast the book begins to come together.

    • Note on Book Length: My books are around 20k words, but research your topic and audience to set a general direction on how long you want your book to be.

  5. Get Feedback and Input on your manuscript draft

    • This has been a key part of my success as a writer; getting the input and feedback from trusted friends and experienced leaders in the field the book is focused on.

    • The key is to not get defensive when people provide feedback. It’s not that you have to change the book to whatever people say but in general you want to make sure that what and how you’re writing is connecting with your target audience.

    • Make revisions and updates based on the feedback. Do that process a few times.

  6. Send To Editor

    • This can be a more advanced or basic process. From basic grammar editing to full content development and rewriting. At minimum get your book grammar/spelling checked.

    • Usually as editors try to “figure out what you said” it can really help you shape and clarify your thoughts.

  7. Build A Book Launch Team

    • Get a group of friends and influencers that match the target of your book.

    • Create a private Facebook group to give special access to content and input

    • They can help in the development of the book and ultimately in promotions.

  8. Book Design & Website

    • I can’t stress enough the need for this to be top quality. Not your friend or aunt who is good with design programs. This is where first impressions are key.

    • I highly recommend having a good website as the landing page that you can send people to later.

    • Examples: followingjesusbook.com / samueldeuth.com /preachingforward.com

  9. Set Up Your Self Publishing Account With Amazon

    • There are other self-publishing options, but I highly recommend (https://kdp.amazon.com/)

    • This is free and doesn't cost you to have your book online or have an account, they just take a cut of the profits when your book is sold on Amazon. You can also order reduced-rate author copies to sell on your own.

    • I self-published my first book and then it got picked up by a publisher and I self-published my second book as well.

  10. Final Revisions To Your Manuscript

    • Now that the basic grammar edits are done, bring it back again in front of your book launch team and other influencers to give final input.

    • Do another full read-through and take away or add any additional content.

    • Send the final manuscript to the book layout designer.

  11. Marketing and Book Launch Strategy

    • Take the time to either hire a marketing team or get input from a few marketing people to create a launch strategy that includes the partnership with social media, emails, and key influencers.

    • Books don’t sell themselves. Don’t assume you’ll just automatically sell a ton of books because you made it live on Amazon. That’s the beginning, but the #1 marketing tool of every book is the author of that book.

  12. Pray And Launch Your Book

    • You’ve done all of the work and preparation, now pray, execute the book release plan and trust God with the results.

  13. Write Your Next Book

    • Keep writing. My final encouragement to you is to keep writing and releasing the content that God has put in you. The World needs what’s in you!

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!


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