52 Bible Verses for New Believers
Sale Price: $11.95 Original Price: $12.95

I’m so excited to release this new devotional designed to dig into 52 key verses that you can build your life and faith on— especially in those beginning weeks, months, and years of Following Jesus.

Surrendering your life to Jesus is massive, and then the fun really begins as God shapes and transforms our lives! Being born again isn’t the end of the transformation that The Holy Spirit does in your life, it’s the beginning point. The Bible says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. We get our minds renewed by reading and applying God’s Word in our lives.

Often as a new Christian, we want to know what “God’s Will is” for our lives or a particular area of life; well, the good news is that you can find God’s will within His Word. The Bible is our manual, road map, GPS, handbook, and direct link to the mind, heart, will, and power of God.

This devotional is one of the series of 52 Bible Verses Series, that will highlight for you 52 of my favorite verses that you’ll be able to build your life and faith on! Also, with each of the 52 verses, there’s a short devotional and a couple of questions to get you thinking about and applying the Bible verse to your life. Then, each devotional concludes with a declaration of faith related to the verse.

Grab a copy of the new book for you and a friend, or if you’re a pastor looking into the book for your church, check out the bulk pricing at FollowingJesusbook.com.


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