Often a car will get out of alignment and the vehicle begins to shake as it drives, which can cause a lot of damage. The reality is, that because of sin, our lives are out of alignment. The way we get our life to stop “shaking” is to realign it to God’s way of doing things, which we find in the Bible. Often in the world we live in, people want to alter the Bible to fit their life, rather than altering their life to align with the Word of God. The Bible talks about this in Romans 12:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

The world has a pattern and God has a pattern. Our life will function best and find the greatest fulfillment when we follow God’s pattern. It’s important to understand that this realignment process takes time. It’s a process of transformation through the renewing of our minds, enabling us to think the way God thinks.

One of the challenging things for new Christians is that even though they’ve made a decision to follow Jesus, they feel like nothing is getting better like they expected it would. They are experiencing the process of being transformed.

The quality of our life is basically the result of the quality of our thoughts and how we act on those thoughts. As we read the Word of God and apply it to our life, the way we think and act will slowly become more like the way Jesus thinks and acts. That is when we see our life transformed. It’s rarely an overnight “fix”; it is usually a process of changing over time.

Aligning our life to God’s Word is not just about coming to a church gathering on Sunday; it’s about our whole life. When Jesus calls us to follow him, we aren’t just joining a club; we are choosing a new leader for our life.


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