America: Land of the free or land of the free handouts?

When we consider the long history of America 🇺🇸 being a land of opportunity for those seeking a better life from horrific dictators and tyrants, it’s sad to see that many politicians have change from making sure there’s opportunity to guaranteeing their a free handout.

But these two approaches create two very different outcomes.

Right now our very evil and incompetent president and Democrat/Athiest government is trying to accommodate and give all kinds of free amenities to all of the people breaking into our country (without the due process)

“If” we were to feel the need to let them all in, we should not give them anything as a government, rather should encourage them to go and find jobs and start adding value to our nation. As they do that, they’ll be given the opportunity to earn money and then be able to buy food.

Now, obviously I’d hope they encounter kindness and generosity from God-fearing Americans that would offer a hand up on their journey. But we should not be giving forced government handouts.

This is not a good idea financially for our nation and it’s not a good message to these individuals who will be hinder from success by the free handouts which will turn off their creativity and slow down their wealth creation.

Let’s keep creating space for legal entry to our nation and let’s keep creating space for them to work and add value and in turn, their value and health will rise!

#imigrantes #imigration #landofopportunity #USA 🇺🇸 #closetheborder #welfare #handupnothandout


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