The Holy Spirit & The Bible are key in helping us discern and see through the confusion of our times.

You all know that I am one of the millions who are against shutting down our global economy over this Covid-19 virus... but I know that many are ok with it and don’t see it as an issue.

So, this post isn’t a medical post about the virus but more to help you learn to discern what’s “Behind the Mask.”

The Bible warns many times about the deception, tricks and tactics of the enemy. One of the devils biggest tactics is FEAR. The enemy is also trying to get us to slip into fear... Fear is basically that overwhelming feeling that bad things will happen to me and I am defenseless against it.

When we get into fear, we get paralyzed. Now, the truth is that there are evils and dangers in this world, but the greater truth is that YOU'RE NOT ALONE. God is with you and fighting for you!

David had to face a giant that had everyone else frozen in fear, but David charged the giant! Why? Because he knew that His God was for him and that nothing can stop the Lord.

Now, in my non-medical opinion, based on my research, this covid19 flu bug is obviously real and has taken out thousands, but it's not the most deadly disease our world is facing right now, so WHY has this virus SHUT DOWN THE PLANET???


You and I need to be less worried about wearing a mask and washing our hands and more concerned that I'm not allowing this spirit to have a place in my heart and mind. When an evil spirit is driving something you'll notice more irrational behaviors like we're seeing right now. The good news is that you're not powerless against fear. If you're a follower of Jesus, you have the authority to command fear to leave you and your families lives! Once you've done that, watch how much better you'll sleep and how less worried you'll become when you go OUTSIDE in PUBLIC!

Then, once you've freed your home from fear, begin to pray against this spirit of fear over you city and nation!

Instead of watching the NEWS, read these verses over and over!

2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Romans 8:31 (NIV) What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?


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