Have you ever felt unknown, overlooked, or undervalued? Have you found yourself wondering if God or people notice the effort, passion, drive, hours, serving, or investment you’ve made? Do you feel called to greater levels of influence but feel like you’re the only one who sees it? Have you felt your big dreams shrink to a more manageable size? Has it ever felt like your dream is being delayed? Have you been tempted to second guess the call of God on your life? Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in this current season for too long? Have you ever thought about quitting?

I know I have.

I know what it’s like to grapple simultaneously with a sense of greatness and insecurity. I understand the tension of knowing that you know that God has given you passions and dreams to make a difference, yet the reality of your life and circumstances couldn’t be further from what you saw in your heart. I know what it’s like to feel like God has forgotten his promises towards you. I’ve experienced what it feels like when you think you should be getting the opportunity, but for some reason, you seem to be unnoticed and passed by. I know what it’s like to achieve a new level of results and still feel unsatisfied and unknown.

I’m not the first to deal with this, and I won’t be the last. But the tragedy is that many men and women over the years have settled short of the purposes of God for their lives, because they began this beautiful, painful, defining and ultimately rewarding process that we call OBSCURITY… but, they quit.

The process of promotion reminds me of trips to IKEA. When you walk through that massive store, you get to see all of the sample living arrangements fully decorated and designed, and you say to yourself, "I want that." You can see yourself with that set in your house; you can imagine it. So you get excited and write down the number of where to get that set in the warehouse. You then continue to all of the different sections of IKEA and continue visualizing things as yours. Then, you go to the warehouse to pick up the furniture that you visualized. This is where that season of obscurity begins; you realize that the beautiful bedroom or office set doesn't come fully ready, and you’re even surprised how flat that table or bedframe can be in the box. The next big thing you realize is the cost! You have to pay upfront before you enjoy it. And before you can enjoy it there’s going to be a lot of assembly required.

What? Do you mean this isn't instant? Assembly is required? And this is where it gets difficult. You can barely fit the boxes in your vehicle because it's so big. I usually come home from IKEA with something halfway blocking my view as I'm driving. Then you’re so excited that you got it home. You bring it into the bedroom and begin the assembly process. And I always start off pumped like this will be easy. But frustration sets in pretty quickly as you attempt to understand the directions; they seem to barely make sense or even skip key information. And usually about halfway in, after I've cut myself or stubbed a finger, or I'm worn out from using the bad hand tools the box includes…I'm definitely in the mode to quit and just take it all back. Sometimes, you find a part missing or not quite as fitting as you thought, but if you push through the blood, sweat, and, yes, even tears, you have an incredible new dream realized! Then you can sit back and enjoy and go, "Now that wasn't too hard.” But the next time you see something else you want, the process begins again.

It might sound like I'm complaining about IKEA, but actually, I'm not. I love what IKEA promises, but I hate the process. But it's the process that brings you what you see in the dream. It’s the same way in our lives as we run after the calling and purpose that we sense God has given us; it looks incredible but roll up your sleeves because there’s assembly required!

There’s a process of obscurity you have to go through to enjoy the promotion and purpose that God has for you!




The Privilege of Parenting