
In my Bible reading this morning, I was right in the story of God leading His people out of Egypt. I was “for sure” frustrated with how much they kept grumbling to Moses and God about there current moment—I also realize how often that can be me, forgetting all God’s blessings and provision the moment I feel pain or discomfort.

One of the horrific statements that the Israelites made that I want to be sure I’m not saying or thinking, and I’d encourage you to avoid is assuming that the desert must mean that God is distant. Look what they said/ask...

And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the Lord saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” — Exodus‬ ‭17:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Is the Lord among us? Wow! How crazy to ask such a question after all the supernatural signs they had just experienced. All throughout the Bible we see God’s frustrated, but continued grace towards our distrust of Him, and we also see God’s delight when He finds Faith on Earth! I pray He finds faith in us today. As we all navigate this unique and challenging season of economic shutdown, let’s put our eyes and trust in Jesus.

If you’re wondering “IF GOD IS WITH YOU?” The answer is a resounding yes!!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. —Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

Also, watch the latest video on HAVE FAITH IN GOD, short 15min message I did on YouTube:

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!


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