It’s More Than The Mask! (Fighting For Freedom)
I’ve been quite vocal about how much I hate wearing 😷... but, it’s not just because they are uncomfortable or because they can hinder my immune system or because the box they come in literally says they don’t work.
It’s more about the freedom of my kids and grandkids. In America, we’re downplaying the unlawful overreach of the government that’s trampling our freedoms, hurting our economy and training the population to be controllable.
We allow this because we aren’t good students of history. The way many politicians push socialism and communism is the same way other nations have slowly introduced it into their countries.
“Promising everything for free at the cost of your freedom.”
So, stand up and vote for freedom.
Now, many might wonder why I’m so intense about this topic if I’m a Christian and if I trust God. Great question. I am not like some who feel like the future of Christianity or the church is on the line here. I have no doubt that the gospel and the church will continue to expand and advance no matter what level of freedom is found in America.
But, since God saw fit to position me in the USA for this hour, and since many of our God-fearing founding fathers risked everything to establish this land of freedom and hope, why would I arbitrarily give that up?
A socialist America would be dangerous for the world. As long as it’s within my power as a free citizen of this nation, I will continue to bring the gospel to its people and beyond, knowing that only the liberating Gospel of Jesus can afford us the foundation to build a free nation.
#voteforfreedom #voteforlife #prolife #chooselife #inGodWeTrust #godblessamerica #holdtheline #openupchurch #churchisessential