New Book! The Power to Create Wealth!
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”
This book has been an incredible journey to write—not just the work in writing but also the work in living out these principles! The first step is learning what the Bible actually says about wealth, prosperity, generosity, and contentment, and the second is applying those lessons.
This new book is both powerful and practical in helping you dig into the Bible on this very important and often sensitive topic of money. Some in Christian circles call any church or Christian that talks about God’s desire to prosper you a “prosperity church” or prosperity preacher or calls it a “Prosperity Gospel.” But, before judging all of that, look for yourself on what God does and doesn’t say about wealth. My new book is packed with Scriptures that help us build out the right and proper view, use, and enjoyment of our wealth.
You can Get your copy on Amazon today!
In this book, you’ll find 31 areas of Biblical insights on how we handle, create, enjoy, and put our money to work. I’ve broken the book up into 4 main sections:
Knowing God’s Word on Wealth
The Purpose and Enjoyment of Wealth
Biblical Wealth Creation Principles
Wealth Multipliers
In each section, you’ll gain Biblical wisdom and strategy for building and creating generational prosperity. As believers prosper, we’re able to do the most good with the Gold that God has put in the ground!