Following Jesus not only teaches new believers the foundations of Christianity but it also gives Christians a practical tool to do one of the most important but least done commands of make disciples.
Noah Nickel
Lead Pastor | Kings Church
Samuel has ministered for us in a variety of settings, but recently did one of our Awakening nights. He was fantastic as he skillfully led us to encounter the Holy Spirit. All of the power and reward but none of the wackiness. Every Church could benefit from that ministry skill.
Jason Bentley
Preacher and Church Leader
Samuel has been a great influence, and encouragement to LC Youth leadership and students. He has been a true gift to the Pacific Northwest. He is one of the best connectors of people and coaches of youth pastors that I have ever met. His wisdom and desire to build the church has gotten me through one of the toughest seasons in ministry. The youth and I are super grateful and excited to see him continue to build the church and inspire people everywhere.
John Asher
Life Center | Youth Pastor
"Following Jesus" is the best we've seen or used to disciple new believers. We give out a copy to new believers in every service!
Eddie & Tammy Windsor
Lead Pastors | Champion Life Church
I have known Samuel for many years now and since the first time we met I have been so inspired by his passion for The Church, his love for Jesus and his desire to serve people. Samuel is truly a gift to The Body of Christ and I know he will be a blessing to your church. From teaching preaching and leadership development Samuel can help take your church to new levels.
Jabin Chavez
City Light Church | Lead Pastor
We were wanting a book that helps new believers understand what it means to truly be a disciple of Jesus and align with what we are about as a church; this book captures both. As a church we are introducing this book as part of our follow up system and are excited to see people learn the basics of being a disciple that this book so clearly articulates.
Josh McCann
Lead Pastor | Columbia Heights Assembly
We love having Samuel and Katie a part of the C3 Church family! For over a decade now he’s been passionately serving and encouraging the church locally and globally. He’s got a word for the body of Christ and I know that he’d impart something great into your Church and or staff!
Jurgen Matthesius
Awaken Church | Lead Pastor
Samuel is a genuine leader. He speaks with a sincere heart. His desire for people to experience the nearness of God and be close to him is a desired reality for all to have. He blessed our youth and young adults.
Chris Cheema
New Horizon Church | Youth Pastor