How To Get Breakthrough in the Famine!

Considering the times we find ourselves in, it feels like a famine in many ways. In business, relationships, politically and more.

The harvest and increase and breakthrough we hoped for in 2020 seems to be missing or at best delayed... But I’ll let you in on a secret of those who are continuing to take ground in the middle of a famine or pandemic.

The key is to KEEP SOWING.

A harvest only comes to those who sow. And often it’s the seed planted in famine that produces a harvest that in essence pulls you from famine to breakthrough.

But, think of this not only from a financial standpoint but also in relationships and specifically marriage. If your marriage or relationships are in a dry and famine like place, it’s time to keep being generous and giving of yourself to that person. If you’re waiting to be generous in a relationship till the famine of love is over, it may never come.

Keep giving love in relationships and watch the famine end.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 NIV
Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.


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