9 Reasons Why I Love Her! (Happy Anniversary Babe!)


Katie, Here's to 9 Years! Wrote a little something to you and about you...Today is my anniversary... the anniversary of tying the knot with the lovely Katie Deuth (formerly known as Katie Legare)Today is unique because while on this family vacation trip for our anniversary... our vehicle has kinda broken down and (at the time of writing this) I am now sitting at a Starbucks alone waiting for the dealership to give me an update on whats wrong with the car. While my bride hangs back at the hotel... not ideal, but its also allowing me to write whats on my heart about this beautiful women...Why did this boy marry that girl?

Initially and uncontrollably I was captured by the 17 year old version of my wife. And those Senior Pictures she took the next year are forever burned into my mind and heart. Even if i went physically blind those images would never leave me. I would go even as far as to say that I dont even need my sight anymore because I've seen more beauty in her than one man needs in a life-time... yet I would never want to loose my sight because new angles of her stunning self show up each day! That beauty also runs around everyday in two miniature versions of her in our two daughters.As a Christian I am such an advocate for heart and attitude over the exterior of something but thankfully in Katie I found incredible depth of beauty inside as well as an intoxicating exterior.This leads me to begin to jot down on this 9th Anniversary, NINE things that I love about my wife... (at least the ones that I can publicly write about #hello)

9 Reasons Why I love her!

1. Heart for the people of Africa:

I first fell in love with this 17 year old version of my wife when on a bus ride to Six Flags Amusement Park, we sat next to each other on a classic yellow school bus. And I fell... as she began to talk about her mission trips to Africa and her heart to love and reach those people.

2. Her compassion for people in general:

Her genuine concern and sensitivity toward the cause of people. The down and out as well as just those hurting. Always reaching to help and sacrifice for others. While she loves her comforts, they are never the primary in her care for people.

3. Her passion for beauty:

One of the things I love about Katie is her constant pursuit of excellence in everything that she does. Ever since we got married, she is committed to getting completely ready, dressed, makeup on & the whole deal even if she's never going to leave the house. I do appreciate this just from a basic external Standpoint but it goes way beyond just her beauty this is a deep inner passion of hers that I absolutely love that drives her to always make things better, represent herself and Gods purpose at the highest view. I'm deeply appreciative of this desire in her.... love her like crazy.

4. Focus & delayed gratification

I love her willingness to see what's ahead. Her ability to sacrifice in the moment for greater future. She makes me better every single day and calls me back to focus my attention on the main things.

5. Struggle with strength

I've always loved even when we first got married when i asked for something simple often times she would just say no as a joke but then do it anyway. But it's much more than just a funny way of interacting, it's more about her true inner strength and desire for greater things & her balance of leadership, strength, humility and submission that she wrestles with every day and it's a beautiful thing to watch her continue to discover the greater that God has for her.

6. Cheat Fridays

Katie is very focused and disciplined but I so appreciate her understanding of balance and having fun. From a health standpoint many men will gain weight after they get married but for me... I lost weight after I got married. But that's not because Katie's cooking isn't good, but because being married to her took our family's health direction in a better direction than I currently was on and because of that I'm healthier and I'll live longer because of it. But having said that we still like chocolate and pizza and things of that nature so that's our day on Friday and boy oh boy do I love Fridays!

7. Prepping for church

I came to a realization a while back and an understanding as to why a lot of young parents stop coming to church for a while after they have a kid. I came to an understanding not necessarily that I come to Feel it's a valid excuse but nonetheless I can understand why it's hard for parents to get to church. Because having kids and getting them ready and getting out the door is a pain in the butt! But for three-ish years, Katie tirelessly and dedicatedly prepares the kids clothing their food and lays them out the night before so that when Sunday morning rolls around we're ready to go and able to get to church early. Her dedication to be prepared is a reflection of her heart and value for Jesus and his church... You can see why I love this lady...

8. Drink Slower!

When we first got married we'd sit at Starbucks to have a date. We'd both have a latte and I'd drink mine in about 30 seconds and Katie would've Have hardly taken a drink yet. Katie taught me to enjoy my latte & sip a little bit slower so we could have more time together. This translated beyond drinking coffee, she taught me how to enjoy life! To slow down and take in all the moments as they come... for that I appreciate her...

9. Katie rules!

LOL! This is probably the funniest of all of my favorite things about my wife but Katie has rules. Lots and lots of rules. Some people see them as preferences or pet-peeves but its just lots and lots of rules. And being married to her i had to learn these rules. I had to learn when they applied and when they didn't. And I also had to learn how to be a mind reader and discover new rules as they came.Well I hit 9 pretty fast... & wanted to do more... But I'll stick with the plan (Katie would appreciate that!)

Happy Anniversary Babe!!!

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!


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