7 Things To Look For When Choosing High Quality Friends

It’s time to take a friend inventory.

What’s the character and vision of the people you spend the most time with? Yes, we love all and offer levels of hospitality to a wide range of people, but like Proverbs says:

“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How To Choose Great Friends:

1. They have a genuine desire to know and Follow Jesus.

  • They could be new to faith or been a Christian their whole life but ultimately I’m looking for authenticity in their connection to God.

2. Their vocabulary leans heavily towards encouragement and life.

  • We’re all different in our personality but I surround myself with people who are gonna pull me up to another level rather than pull me down with their words.

3. The quality of the people around them.

  • You’ve heard that “like attracts like.” So, as I’m considering developing a friendship with someone I’m considering who is already in their friends circle. We all want to have people that we’re loving and developing but, the key people close to someone says a lot about them.

4. How they spend their time & money.

  • I’m looking for their priorities and values. The Bible says that where your treasure is that’s where your heart is. And both our money and our time locate our heart. For example, I’d have a hard time being close friends with someone who doesn’t tithe.

5. How I feel after spending time with someone.

  • We may hang with different people for different reasons. Some I get around to just have fun, some to challenge and develop me. Often my close friends can do both. But, among a list of importance is simply did I enjoy being with them.

6. The “fruit” of their lives.

  • So, this means, what are they producing in their world. How’s their work, their family, their finances, their health. We become like our close friends, so I ask myself if I’d want to be more or less like that person.

7. How they treat their wife.

  • This is massive for me. How they care for their most valued relationship that God gave them says a lot about whether I want them in my world or not.

⚡️⚡️⚡️Comment/link to some of your friends your thankful for!


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