The Awakening of God’s People!

I have great hope and expectation for the future of America and the whole earth because I know that God is in control and His plans are always working towards good!

But as we see throughout the Bible that there are times natural and supernatural warfare where God’s people must up to the moment and resist the devil and His agenda.

We are in one of those times.

I dread it in the sense that I prefer peace and would rather avoid wars in the natural or supernatural, but I’m also excited for it because it awakens the sleeping giant.

The true sleeping giant is The Church. We are the global force for good on earth and now is the time to activate and take our place.

God’s people have been growing and expanding on earth for the last two thousand years and have had years of strength and years of weakness due to the devils poison.

But, the devil never learns that persecution always awakens the Church! And right now she is being refined and empowered once again to stand for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness again!

Will you be a part of this awakening? Or stand on the outside looking in or even worse on the outside mocking it?


Are you courageous or convenient?


100 Quotes on Faith & Freedom!