Are you courageous or convenient?

Courage is saying and doing what’s right with no compromise in the face of ridicule, threat, oppression or death!

Convenient is saying and doing what you think others want to avoid conflict and pain even if you have to compromise truth and core convictions.

Whether it’s in your friend circle, your family, workplace, church or politics, our world needs courageous men and women to step up and lead from uncompromising convictions!

We don’t need more mindless compliance or weak kneed responses that bend to big tech or woke professors, we need strength and tenacity to continue in truth against all odds!

We’ve read about these great heroes from the past in our history books but this era needs new heroes to rise up!

And even if you don’t end up getting your name in history books for some massive display of courage you can still change the world by first courageously leading your family towards what is truth.

What is truth? it’s God’s Word, The Bible. If you’re away from God then today is the day to return and follow Him!


52 Bible Verse to Teach Your Kids


The Awakening of God’s People!