Biblical Dating Guide (Free Download)

Biblical Dating Guide! - Free Download
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There’s a lot of noise around the topic of dating! Why? Because it has massive implications for all of our lives. God said it’s not good for us to be alone; we’re designed for community and relationships. So, much of the early years of our adulthood are focused on dating to find our spouse!

I was blessed to find my happily ever after, and we’ve now been married for 20 years! This is why we wrote a new book on the 12 marriage safeguards! Within that book, we also included a “Biblical Dating Guide” because we wanted to speak directly to the individual wanting to find the love of their life but doing it in a way that honors God.

For us, we don’t want to follow a worldly pattern in dating because that only leads to death and heartache; we wanted to write a quick guide with some pointers on dating from a Biblical worldview. We pray it’s helpful and encouraging for you! We’re also wanting to provide it for free! Check it out and download it for free!


Marriage Dates & Meetings (Free Download)


Marriage is a gift from God