It’s time to Exit the public schools!

Each new day the predominantly corrupted Public Education system is exposed for what it really is.

It’s no longer a place to raise free thinking, GOD fearing, liberty loving Americans that are adding value to society.

Now, it’s a bought and paid for secular and Godless indoctrination center. Dismantling Christian values and shoving down their throats all kinds of destructive and false narratives.

The education boards have continued to prove they think they know better than parents and no longer feel the need to serve the parents, instead they see themselves as protecting the kids from their parents common sense, Biblical and freedom loving views.

I again, want to strongly, and I do mean strongly urge all parents to REMOVE YOUR CHILD FROM HARMS WAY.

If you and your kid were in the middle of the street and a big truck was coming right at you… would you move off the street but leave your kid? Or would you take your kid with you?

Is it going to take a total reworking of your family, finances and schedule? Yes. But will it be worth it to see your child’s mind and heart drinking in truth and freedom again? Yes!

Parents, it’s time to fight for your kids by removing them from the Public School Indoctrination Camps.

***My one note as always is that if you’re a public school teacher or administrator who is a believer and pushing back against all of this, that is awesome, you are a missionary in a dark world and we need more adults resisting and taking back this part of society!

#exitpublicschool #homeschool #microschool #leavepublicschool #dontcoparentwiththegoverment #freespeach #freedom #unmaskourchildren #noforcedvax #endmandates #endforcedvax


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