Who Does Your Pastor Answer To?

There’s been a lot of focus in this last season on exposing pastors. This has come from the Christian and secular world.

And while it’s true that we want to keep raising up Godly men and women who will pastor with integrity, I think people forget that there is an ultimate overseer of every pastor and that is the Lead Shepherd, Jesus. This is why the Apostle James said that not many of you should desire to be teachers because of the MORE STRICT JUDGMENT they will receive.

As a pastor myself for the last 20+ years I can tell you that God holds His leaders accountable. I am painfully aware of my humanity and need God’s help and power and guidance to lead and pastor His people well. (I’m constantly asking God for Wisdom to lead the incredible Bressi Campus family of @awakenchurchsd)

The verse I included in this post was from my reading today and it calls us to submit and obey our pastors. This is a big statement in today’s hour where we’ve been more conditioned to question and resist spiritual authority.

So, how do we make sure that we honor God’s Word but not get ourselves into another “spiritual abuse” scenario?

1. Check the life, attitude, actions, and fruit of the pastor
What lives in them will live in you, so take the time to evaluate before you submit.

2. Check who that pastor is submitted to or being mentored by.
Like the Centurion that Jesus honored, a healthy pastor is not only in authority but under authority.

3. Check their Marriage
No one is perfect, but the health of a pastor’s wife will be the health of the church.

4. Check their friend circle
We all become like who we hang out with. So, what kind of influences are they connected with either local or National friends.

Those are just a few things to look for before committing to a church. And if the signs point towards health, then jump all in and Trust God and your pastors to lead you.

These were all things that my wife @katiedeuth and I looked for before we submitted our lives to Pastor Jurgen & @leannematthesius at @awakenchurchsd! And getting to serve our regional pastors @askdrmatt & @mikalahubbard! And as a result, our lives have thrived!!


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